Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Daddy...!!!! happy birthday to u...

hadiah yang tak seberapa tapi semoga ianya cukup bermakna untuknya...
mudah-mudahan.... ^_^

sometime we fight, we make up, we share secrets over a coffee cup. sometimes you're my friend. sometime a guide, u are the person in whom i take pride. may Allah swt bless u with all the joy & happiness that u desire and hope that we walk hand in hand even after rambut dah beruban hehe... may u have a super wonderful life filled with our luv & care. I will always luv u more & more with every passing year.. insyaallah..

happy birthday abang.... ^_^

1 comment:

  1. hepi birthday....
    moga dipanjangkan umur,diberikan kesihatan yang sempurna,diberkati dan dirahmati ALLAH swt selalu.
    moga menjadi ayah dan suami yang soleh.insyaALLAH...........
